The Entrance of Your Words

This week Northwestern University released a report that detailed their findings from a fluorescence microscopy experiment, which revealed an exciting discovery.  During human egg fertilization, at the moment when sperm meets egg, there is a flash of light as a new life begins. Now, the know-it-all God-hating curmudgeon will wag his head, push his glasses up on the bridge of his nose and point out that the flash is merely the result of increased calcium levels in the egg which releases zinc "sparks."  To this calloused dismissal of the miracle of life, the clear-eyed child of God will respond:  "Who created those elements?  Can you?  Who authored and sustains the natural law which dictates to those elements their properties?  Can you breath life into dirt?  Can you speak and have it come to pass (Lamentations 3:37)?"

The day after I read about the flash of light at conception, I read Psalm 119:130 and couldn't help but notice a connection.  Now, I understand that the verse is talking about God's Word revealing truth.  Yet, at the same time, "the entrance of Your words gives light," (Psalm 119:130a) is so beautifully demonstrated to us in the moment when the two cells meet and the very mouth of the Almighty God speaks a new life into existence, and a flash of light, gone unseen for thousands of years, fearfully and wonderfully declares the glory of the Lord.

I Choose my Family

This Story shall the Good Man Teach his Son