The Answer

Last week the president of the United States issued a threat against schools who refuse to accommodate and, by extension, condone "transgenderism" as normal.  This is only the latest in a long train of abuses and usrupations against the laws of nature and nature's God.  So, what is the answer?  How does the Lord intend for us to handle the aggression against those of us who refuse to deny the truth? We need to first understand those who reject the truth do so to their own destruction.  The response of the child of God must be one of love.  We have to stand on the truth and to pray for the salvation of those who are dying.  Our responses should be the same as Abraham's when he stood between the Lord and the people who were about to be destroyed because of their rebelliousness (Genesis 18-19).

We also must understand that intercession must be made from a position of righteousness, and righteousness is only credited to those whose trust is in the one God who secured righteousness on our behalf.  My intercession will not be heard if I stand before God as a guilty man.  After all, it is the prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much (James 5:16).  So, if the world around us abandons the truth in favor of a lie, we have to plant our feet as Joshua and Caleb did on the Word of the Lord and determine that we and our houses will serve Him (Joshua 24:15).

It is important for us to remember that God's ultimate desire for these people who are pushing farther into rebellion, even to the point of sex-change surgeries, is that they repent and trust Him for salvation (2 Peter 3:9).  As we stand on the truth in love, we will become lighthouses for those who are crushed under the weight of their sin, and just want to come home.

We've Created a...Weenie

Not Listening: Cuid A Do (The Gaelic Sounds so Much More Dramatic than Just Saying "Part Two")