
I receive a hero's welcome every day when I come home from work.  The sweetest little kids I know drop everything they're doing and come running, yelling "Daddy!"  The baby smiles and walks his wobbly little walk and says "Da."  It's awesome.  No, it won't last forever, but it did happen one more time today.  My beautiful, faithful, noble wife smiles and looks at me like only she does. Some of you reading this may have been carried on past this stage of being a Daddy, and onto another.  Wherever you are, let it humble you.  Let it awe you.  And let it drive you to live up to the name "Daddy."

Philosophy: The Logic, the Belief Systems, and how Barbara Mandrell’s “I was Country, When Country wasn’t Cool” Undermined and Ultimately Brought about the Downfall of the Soviet Union

Introduction: Why We Believe What We Believe, Why It Matters, and How Don Knotts' Departure from The Andy Griffith Show Contributed to the Moral Deterioration of 1960's America