While there is Hope

As a high school teacher, I see an unbelievable number of teenagers every year who are working as hard as they can every day to destroy every last part of their lives, to cut off any semblance of hope that they might have for a good future, or a good present for that matter.  Some of them live like the people of Noah's time, when "the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and...every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually" (Genesis 6:5 NASB).  Seeing people destroying their lives at such a young age breaks my heart, especially when I find out how many of them are going through their lives without their fathers.  The CDC reports that the rate at which children in America are born out of wedlock is right above 40%.  Combine that with the number of children whose fathers have died, are incarcerated, or just don't seem to care about raising their children. Gentlemen, if you have children of your own, or if you have someone else's children in your life in one way or another (think church, think about your kids' friends, think about your friends' kids [teachers, we have about 150 every year]), and be a man.  Set the example.  Love them. Correct them.  Hurt for them.  Congratulate them.  Talk with them.  From Genesis 11 on until Abraham's death, the Bible teaches us that he stepped in and took care of his nephew Lot, whose father had died.  This world is starving to death for real men.  Yes, many of them will resist and push us away.  Love them anyway.  And, for those of us who know the miracle of having children of our own, "discipline your son while there is hope, and do not desire his death" (Proverbs 19:18 NASB).

Just an Idea

Philosophy: The Logic, the Belief Systems, and how Barbara Mandrell’s “I was Country, When Country wasn’t Cool” Undermined and Ultimately Brought about the Downfall of the Soviet Union