
It's good to be writing one of my more "standard" posts again.  Lately I've been posting my notes from an apologetics series that a friend and I have been teaching at our church on Wednesday nights all summer.  And other than that, I've been working on final revisions and layouts for the book, Fence Posts.  I hope to have pre-order dates and release dates for you the next time I write. The world that we live in is by most accounts falling apart right now.  A religion that has bred terrorism for over 1,000 years has been aggressively ignored over the last decade, and has begun to metastasize under the deliberate inaction of most of the world's political powers.  America's law enforcement officers have targets on their backs, while they endure slander from our president, attorney general, and a large segment of the voices in our celebrity and media circles.  The most destructive president in U.S. history is scheduled to leave office in a few months, and his apparent successor will be one of the two most unpopular candidates in U.S. presidential election history.  Most polls show the percentages of voters supporting each of them, while also showing 20-30 percent of American voters who do not plan to vote for either.  In the state of Iowa, churches are being forced by law to capitulate to the trans-gender machine, opening their restrooms to whomever, and being told what they may and may not preach and teach as it applies to sexuality (Prestigiacomo), something we were assured would never happen.

Now, let me tell you what I know.  "I know that everything God does will remain forever; there is nothing to add to it and there is nothing to take from it, for God has so worked that men should fear Him" (Ecclesiastes 3:14 NASB).  Not a thing is happening that has not been known by the Lord from before we existed.  Everything that our enemy, the devil, does to incite humanity to rage against our Creator and Savior, is in direct fulfillment of His timeless Word.  He has not forsaken His people, and He never will.  His Word and those who stand on its sure foundation will never fall.  And we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Prestigiacomo, Amanda. "So It Begins: Iowa Forces Churches to Create Transgender Bathrooms, Bars Preaching." The Daily Wire. The Daily Wire, 6 July 2016. Web. 15 July 2016. <>.


Creation vs. Darwinian Evolution: A Cover-up, a Con Man, and Why I Never Re-watched Steel Magnolias

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