Book Update

I received notification today that Fence Posts is now available for presale on Amazon at:

and Barnes & Noble at:

Thank you all for reading.  I hope that what you've read here has turned your heart toward the Lord and His Word.  I know that things have been unusual here on the blog due to the apologetics lessons, which have been longer but less frequent.  There will be a few more, but I hope to return soon to the normal format, discussing the Bible, life, and how to be a man in this world.

As I've studied apologetics in greater depth lately, I am ever-increasingly in awe of the majesty of the Almighty God.  Many of you, like me, believed God first, and later became aware of many of the arguments against the Bible.  Investigating these arguments invariably leads right back to God and the truth of His Word.  Get into His Word.  Pray.  Listen to the Lord.  Know that He is God.


The Age of the Universe: Psalm 19:1

Creation vs. Darwinian Evolution: A Cover-up, a Con Man, and Why I Never Re-watched Steel Magnolias