
For most of my life, I’ve been an avid baseball fan. Right now I’m watching the postseason, and last night the Washington Nationals completed a sweep of the St. Louis Cardinals to win the NLCS and punched their tickets for the World Series, for the first time in team history. And they did it in impressive fashion, as they opened game four with a seven-run first inning. It’s safe to say, they’re hot right now, and history teaches us that in the postseason, sometimes that’s all that matters.

Momentum is important. It’s fun. When things are clicking, we can go far with little expenditure of energy. Victory seems effortless, and it can even feel that way. But, what about the other times. What can we do when the momentum seems to be working against us? What can we do if disaster strikes? What would you do if I sang out of tune? Would you stand up and walk out on me?

Sometimes the fight is not fun. We suffer, and so do those we care most about. Circumstances change. Entropy is real. Nothing seems to work. Things don’t look like we know they should. That’s alright. We don’t live by sight. We live by faith. We navigate by the Word of the Lord. He sees what we can’t. So, when the momentum isn’t going our way, we press on, considering Him faithful who has promised.

In the Heart of a Child

My Vindication