Man Enough

In 2 Kings 11 and 2 Chronicles 23, the account of Jehoiada’s move to install Joash, the true king, on the throne of Judah, in place of the usurper Athaliah is recorded. One important point in the account that we should not allow to escape our attention is that Jehoiada’s first move was to make “a covenant with the captains of hundreds” (2 Chronicles 23:1), in order that they could provide protection for the young king, who had lived in hiding up to that point, to escape Athaliah’s attempts to kill him. In short, he surrounded himself with men who would stand and put their lives on the line to ensure that justice and truth were upheld. (So much for toxic masculinity.)

One of man’s prime purposes for existence is to protect, to be the bulwark that stands between evil and everyone who is not a man. I hold this truth to be self-evident. That being the case, gentlemen, we cannot fall into the mindset that has become too prevalent in our culture, that men are not responsible for being men. We cannot rely on government to provide for us. We cannot rely on law enforcement to be the first line of defense for our homes. We cannot rely on any institutions to raise our children. We cannot rely upon our churches to make disciples of our children. Without those men, who physically put themselves between the young king and those who wanted to kill him, evil would have prevailed, just as it does in any situation when it goes unchecked.

If diplomacy will achieve the desired outcome, then diplomacy should be given preference. There comes a point though, when diplomacy fails, and truth, justice, and the weak must be defended. Chamberlain tried diplomacy with Hitler. It failed. The Nazi movement was only stopped by men who pushed back. When evil manifests itself in the hearts of our children, reason has no effect. They must be disciplined by a father who loves his children enough to let them know how they must behave (the same way we were taught). Our enemy, the devil, will not be surrender. His lies, that are taking precious souls captive, must be shown for what they are. The gospel alone is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. I thank the Lord for the men who have stood on my behalf and said: “Even if it kills me, I will stand.” Now, it’s our turn.

Leave the Ninety-Nine

Interview with Lary Sorensen