Blessed is the Nation Whose God is the Lord

I am a native son of America.  My heritage is freedom, heated in tyranny's fire, shaped by men who, on their faces, sought the one God to guide and guard their every step.  Mine by inheritance is liberty tempered in the sweat of families who pushed into the wilderness and broke their own ground, and in the blood of heroes who laid down their pursuits and took up arms to keep evil far from the sanctuary of our homeland.  We have known men in our lifetimes who sacrificed sleep, comforts and even food for themselves to provide for their families when their hard-earned money became worthless.  We have known men who answered the call to cross an ocean and push back an evil army that was marching out against the world and could not be repulsed by an entire continent, most of which had already fallen.  We have known men who by their sheer numbers, refusal to turn back and the strength of the Lord took the beach in Normandy.  These men pushed the darkness back and reclaimed the continent.  Many fell far from home.  Many spent time in prison camps, not knowing if they would ever see the outside again.  Some of these heroes came home and resumed quiet lives; raising families and working hard to earn a living.  Now, we have inherited the position that demanded so much of them.  We do well to watch the few of them that we have left and to silence the futility that so readily flows from our mouths and listen to the hearts of real men.  

These warriors are maligned and persecuted by their own government on every possible front.  They are heroes being ambushed in the dark by the vilest cowards among us.  Because of who they are, most of them will not complain; they should not have to.  We should not be surprised when those who are controlled by evil commit acts of evil.  But, we are at fault if we permit evil to have its way with those who have laid and continue to lay their lives down for us.  When evil exalts itself and sheds the blood of our noblest hearts, the real men must once again push back the darkness; the darkness that we have allowed to advance so far into the homeland that better men than us gave so much to keep safe.  We have inherited the freedom as well as the watchman's post at the rampart.  We have not inherited excuses or eyes that search for anyone else who will fight the fight.  The Lord has established you and me as the masterfully placed fence posts that are and will remain immovable because of the One who set us.  Push back the darkness, wherever it raises its arrogant head!  We are the sons of those heroes, and we are the sons of God.  Thank the Lord, that is our heritage!

Lesson Learned?

The Bible