Lesson Learned?

Today I hurt myself needlessly because I did not keep a cool head and think things through when I got in a bind.  Now, I won't go into the whole story, but I was in a hurry and got flustered and used my hands when suitable tools were readily available (which I realized a few minutes too late).  So, now I have a small but deep laceration on my thumb.  

Now, I was taught growing up too keep a cool head and to be resourceful, especially in high-stress situations.  I usually do a good job of it, but today I learned that maybe I haven't mastered that particular art...the art of steeliness.  If you're not sure what I'm talking about, watch Rio Bravo.  Do NOT watch Top Gun.  I'm sorry, steeliness simply does not play beach volleyball in jeans, get drunk and butcher classic Righteous Brothers songs, or write checks with its mouth that its body can't cash.  I hold this truth to be self-evident.  As men of our households, as well as workplaces and other situations where our adventures, exploits and other activities that could probably fall under the blanket of shenanigans take us, we are frequently called upon to be the steady hand on the scene.  Gentlemen, the people in our lives are right to expect us to fill this role.  So, regardless of fear, frustration, or whatever else we may be feeling we have to keep our wits about us.  If we have taken the words of the Lord to heart when He tells us to "pray without ceasing" (1Thessalonians 5:17), then we are already well on the way.  The knowledge that we have been given the privilege of the ever-present God's fellowship is the key to true peace.  Yes, we will still feel a normal range of human emotions (unless you're Mr. T, then you will skew toward anger...other exceptions include those who find themselves in the presence of Mr. T who will skew toward a heightened sense of caution), but we can still know that everything, without exception, is in the Lord's complete control.  

Our homes need us to be the steady presence when things get tough.  That does not mean being dishonest or putting up a false front.  It means trusting the Lord and then demonstrating His strength to those who need us to.

Genesis 13:12

Blessed is the Nation Whose God is the Lord