Behold the Lamb of God

John 18:28 talks about the Jewish Pharisees and officials, saying that "they led Jesus therefore from Caiaphas into the Praetorium, and it was early; and they themselves did not enter into the Praetorium in order that they might not be defiled, but might eat the Passover". These men, who knew the Word of God, took great care to comply with every facet of the Law, no matter how meticulous, and they were right to do so. But, these men who were so concerned about being able to observe the Passover hated and rejected the actual Passover Lamb provided by God Himself, in favor of the symbolic one.

This is not going to be one of those "don't sweat the small stuff" messages that we have heard so often. The Lord means for His Word to be obeyed. No command of God's is a suggestion. What we need to understand is that as we do the things that the Lord has commanded us to do, we need to remember why we do them

.Because He loved us, I will trust Him that He knows better than I do that I need to tithe and how much. Because He died in my place and in the place of my wife and kids, I will trust Him that I need to drive my vehicle in a way that honors Him. Because He created everything that ever has and ever will exist, I will go to work and do my job the way that He says I should. Because He has never given up on me, I will trust that His Word is and always will be more than good enough for me.


Turned and Looked