Men of Issachar

Israel fights to defend herself from terrorists. While her eyes and hands are locked in a righteous battle, she is repeatedly struck from behind by the vipers who inhabit our government offices. Our president and his appointed reprobates openly attack the only semblance of sanity and justice in the Middle East. The criminals in the United Nations do the same. Many of our once-trusted news sources are being caught daily in lies that paint Israel as an unjust aggressor while her enemies are made to appear as misunderstood victims. They would have us believe that Israel should do nothing as an envious people launch rockets with intention to kill civilians. These same terrorists use their own women and children as human shields when the fight is brought to their doorsteps.

As a former enemy of God, I have no grounds to hate these people. As a saint, an American and a man, I have a responsibility to call evil by its name. I do believe, and am thankful, that most Americans do not share the views of our president and his friends.

1 Chronicles 12:32 tells us that when David had been anointed king, but Saul still held the throne, that the men of Issachar "understood the times, with knowledge of what Israel should do", and they left Saul and offered their allegiance to King David. In the same way, we have to understand the times, with knowledge of what we should do. The Bible teaches us that the things that we are seeing now will happen. As men who see the Day of the Lord approaching, we have to be ready and make sure that our families are ready. We also have to be obedient to the Lord and work toward the salvation of as many people as will trust Him. I even spoke with a man recently who told me about many Muslims who he ministers to trusting in Jesus. While we are still here we have to stand and call evil what it is, and stand against it. "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: 'May they prosper who love you. May peace be within your walls, and prosperity within your palaces.""-Psalm 122:6-7

Blow Their Minds

For This Reason