Real Men

I love to see a man who does what's right...because it's the right thing to do. I love to see a man who tells the truth without political calculation. I love to see a man who loves people, honestly and without hypocrisy. A real man seeks the truth and lives by it. A real man calls evil what it is, shines the light on it and stands in its way. It makes a real man sick when sin is celebrated. It makes a real man sick when his president praises our military heroes out of one side of his mouth and then turns around and conducts business with communists and terrorists. It breaks a real man's heart when children are led astray. A real man thanks God when his boys act like men. Real men love justice. Real men hate the perversion of justice. Real men will never bend their knees to an envious world. A real man is held in the hand of the Lord, and no one can snatch him from there.


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