
The Bible teaches, in 1 Thessalonians 4:11, to "aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands". We need to always be peaceful people who work hard and do good toward those around us. Even in these dark days, we need to not let our eyes wander from Jesus. While we have not started a fight, many fights have been brought to us, as Jesus taught us that they would. Gentlemen, let us be found diligent and ready when evil in any form comes for us and for our families. We should put on the truth as we walk humbly and blamelessly with the Lord. Our hearts should be guarded by the righteousness of God that manifests itself in the righteous acts of the saints, who live according to His Spirit. We should walk in the preparation of the gospel of peace, being ready in season and out of season to proclaim Jesus. Faith in the Lord and His Word will guard us and keep us from falling victim to deception and fear. Our minds and senses will be protected by God Himself because we have entrusted our very lives to Him alone for salvation. Let us sharpen the Word of the Lord in our hearts, minds and mouths. Let us pass along the ancestral Sword to our children and train them in its use.


Real Men