The Generosity of a Neighbor

I love the place where my family and I live.  One of my favorite aspects of our home is that we have a good-sized yard.  However, a good-sized yard must be mowed, and I have a push mower.  It's a fine mower for a smaller yard, but here it takes me about an hour and a half to mow half of the lawn.  Being a working man and a family man, needless to say, there have been times when the lawn has gone neglected. We pulled into our driveway Sunday afternoon after church and found a riding lawnmower in the driveway with a note.  I calmly approached, not wanting to get my hopes up over nothing.  I recognized it immediately as belonging to my neighbor.  The note told me that the family was moving and that we could have the mower if we wanted it.

It may not have meant much to him, and I know he didn't do it for a pat on the back, but it means a whole lot to my family and me.  I would be wrong not to recognize what a good neighbor did to help a younger family across the road.  He also set an example for me to remember for a long time.

For Good Works

In Defense