The Warrior's Spirit

As men we have been called to fight.  We all have our own approaches to the fight, but nevertheless we fight.  There are, of course, exceptions.  Some deny the call to fight and spend their lives in many other pursuits that invariably lead to...the call to fight.  We are called to fight for our families, for truth and for justice.  We are called to fight evil in any form. I often think of David when I think about a fighting man.  As a boy, David fought off lions, bears and whatever else required fighting off, in order to protect his father's flock.  In fact, the Bible says that when a bear or lion attacked, David grabbed it by the hair of it's chin and beat it to death with a stick (something to think about next time you wish life was easier[yes, I'm guilty]).  Young David also killed the giant Goliath, a trained warrior, with a stone and a sling, while Israel's army stood behind, too afraid to fight.

My point today is something that David also understood.  No one knows our hearts like God does.  He knows the warrior's spirit; He created it.  The Lord does not intend for us to drive ourselves and everyone else in our lives crazy with constant fighting.  He does not intend for us to fight of our own accord or by our own strength.  The Lord provides rest to His men.  He provides wisdom to His men who ask Him for it, believing that they will receive it from Him.  He alone commands and leads His men into battle.  He alone will be left standing when this world's monuments to its own majesty have burned.

"When they arose early the next morning, behold, Dagon had fallen on his face to the ground before the ark of the Lord.  And the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off on the threshold; only the trunk of Dagon was left to him."-1 Samuel 5:4

Thank the Lord

The Lord has Spoken