Thank the Lord

Thank the Lord because His is the Word by which we are created and sustained. Thank the Lord because just like in the Passover, God saves those who trust in Him from His wrath, and it will always be that way.

Thank the Lord because He loves us and gave us everything that we need to live the life that He wants for us.

Thank the Lord because the man who fears Him will be Him!

Thank the Lord because He goes before His people, making the way ready.

Thank the Lord because He saved Rahab, a foreigner and a prostitute, because she believed Him and sought refuge in His mercy.

Thank the Lord because He will not be mocked.

Thank the Lord for being our kinsman redeemer.

Thank the Lord for making Himself known to us and for completing His work.

Thank the Lord for His faithful saints in evil days.

Thank the Lord who is faithful to His faithful saints.

Thank the Lord who remembers and hears us from a land of exile.

Thank the Lord for hearing the prayers of the righteous.

Thank the Lord because He has brought you where you are and made you who and what you are for such a time as this.

Thank the Lord that His Word is final.

Thank the Lord because He understands our hearts and minds better than we do.

Thank the Lord for the wisdom and love of a father.

Thank the Lord for remembering that we are frail and weak.

Thank the Lord that many waters will not quench love, nor rivers overflow it.

Thank the Lord that by His scourging we are healed.

Thank the Lord that His wrath is not for those who take refuge in Him.

Thank the Lord that His mercies are new every morning.

Thank the Lord that He commands dry bones to come to life.

Thank the Lord that from the first day that we set our hearts on understanding and on humbling ourselves before our God, our words are heard.

Thank the Lord for His faithfulness in spite of ours.

Thank the Lord that He calls us to repentance.

Thank the Lord that He calls evil out by name.

Thank the Lord that He exalts and humbles.

Thank the Lord that He loves the unloved.

Thank the Lord that He sees and hears the oppressed.

Thank the Lord that He has not forsaken His people.

Thank the Lord that He even listens to our questions and that His Word and actions stand up to any scrutiny.

Thank the Lord that He will not share our hearts with another.

Thank the Lord for men who will preach His Word, no matter what.

Thank the Lord that He has compassion on His people.

Thank the Lord that He keeps His Word.

Thank the Lord for His Son, the focus of all history, from beginning to end.

Thank the Lord for His Holy Spirit who lives in His people.

Thank the Lord that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

Thank the Lord that He does not leave us to our own devices or to figure things out on our own.

Thank the Lord that He preserves His Word.

Thank the Lord for the church, the body of our Lord Jesus.

Thank the Lord that He is more than enough in any of our circumstances.

Thank the Lord for His consistency.

Thank the Lord for the times when He lets us see what He has accomplished through us.

Thank the Lord for those who raised us, taught us and loved us.

Thank the Lord for people who are older than we are and are able to teach us.

Thank the Lord for His freedom, and that we are his messengers of freedom.

Thank the Lord for Jesus' completion of the work of salvation, once and for all.

Thank the Lord for every good thing.

Thank the Lord for His encouragement and for preparing us for the last days.

Thank the Lord that He wants and works for us to know that we have eternal life.

Thank the Lord for those who fight to keep deceit far from God's people.

Thank the Lord that He is coming quickly.

Christmastime is Here

The Warrior's Spirit