The Accuser and the Savior

Satan accused God of withholding something from Adam and Eve.  In the presence of the Lord, Satan accused Job of only serving God because God had taken care of him.  The Bible teaches that today Satan exerts his influence in the world.  He knows the nature of humanity, that we are rebellious, selfish and deceitful.  He lies and accuses God and the people of God at every opportunity.  The Bible teaches that such deceptions will continue and increase until the end. I stood condemned before the Lord, guilty of the law of the righteous God.  By law, my life was forfeit to the accuser.  As if this utterly hopeless state were not enough, the people I love the most were also condemned by law, none of us with any hope of a defense.   An envious, ruthless enemy sought to hurt the one God by destroying those He loves.

The Son of God came forward to fulfill and complete the just requirements of the law.  With the weight of every soul throughout the entire scope of history on his shoulders, the Savior lived among us, lived in flesh, played by our rules.  He faced our accuser and His, never deviating from His Father's plan, but instead, trusting Him for His vindication...and ours.

"Through His own blood, He entered the holy place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption."-Hebrews 9:12

In the darkest times, remember that the Passover Lamb, the Son of the Almighty God, with whom He is well pleased, entered the real temple in Heaven offering His own innocent blood for the redemption of our souls.  "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."-Romans 8:1

The Lord has spoken.

Right and Wrong

The Free, the Brave, and the Jealous