Right and Wrong

As long as I can remember, it's bothered me when people refer to truth and morality as "traditional values", and the worst part is it's usually the people who believe in truth and morality who use that reference.  If tradition is the only reason we have for holding to what we believe then we should not act surprised when nobody gives morality a second thought.  It doesn't even sound like we believe what we're saying.  I believe in and hang my entire life and the life of my family on the truth because the truth will always be true.  Truth doesn't move when our rebellious culture decides that it should move.  We have to move to the truth.  Truth works.  Truth shows our words and deeds for what they are, and that's scary.  As men who have entrusted ourselves to the one God, we have to allow Him to make our words and deeds, our lives, into His.  Every part of our lives should be moving closer and closer to the truth. When we live according the Spirit and the Word of God, we can expect opposition from the world around us.  Psalms 2:2-3 reads:  "the kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His Anointed:  'Let us tear their fetters apart, and cast away their cords from us!'"  To our rebellious nature, or what the Bible calls "flesh", the moral truth dictated by the Almighty God is a fetter and a cord.  These fetters and cords protect us from the destruction that the flesh craves, the same destruction that we see around us.  In 1963 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled to "unfetter" our public schools from the truth, and the consequences are undeniable.  We are now teaching almost every child in America that only bigots believe in absolutes, truth and morality.  Instead, they are taught that godless humanistic evolution is proven fact and that the only law is to survive and to reproduce.  And, we're getting exactly what we asked for.  We have also forcibly "unfettered" our military.  Many churches have even thrown off morality in order to enslave themselves to destruction and the philosophies of a dying world.

Isaiah 61:1 was read by Jesus in the temple, teaching all of us for all time that He is the one whom God has anointed to "bring good news to the afflicted...to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, and opening to those who are bound".  In John 8:31-32 He said:  "If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine: and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."  Romans 8:2 further illuminates this principle:  "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death."  We were all hopelessly bound, even enslaved to death because of our sin.  Jesus, the Word of God, came to set us free by the truth, to show the words and deeds of man for what they are.  And, He came to complete the work of salvation for every one of us who will trust Him.

One God

The Accuser and the Savior