Standing Together

In the evenings my wife and kids always tell me about the day they had.  Today my wife told me a story that made me laugh and made me proud.  While playing, my oldest son was confronted by a boy he did not know.  The boy walked up and stepped in front of my son, their faces only a few inches apart, and growled.  Without moving an inch, my son looked him in the eye and said:  "Would you not do that?"  My daughter, sensing trouble, stepped up next to her brother, pointed to the boy and said:  "Leave my brother alone."  At that moment, my other son stepped in and flanked his big brother on the other side.  The three of them stood there, no hitting, no pushing, no backing down, their little baby faces set like granite.  At that point the other boy's mother saw him and pulled him away to talk to him about how to play with other kids.  Now, just to be perfectly honest, today wasn't the first time my kids have been faced with similar situations.  And, they haven't all ended well.  But, today my wife and I were proud to see them handle it the way they did.  Those of you reading this who are parents know that you work hard to raise your kids right and teach them how to handle hard situations correctly without getting emotional and losing control.  So, we thank the Lord for helping our kids to understand and to do what they've been taught. Today's episode reminded me of the way that we should stand together when confronted by a threat.  I think about Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego standing together, refusing to back down when Nebuchadnezzar wanted them to forget God and eat his food.  I think about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego telling Nebuchadnezzar:  "we do not need to give you an answer concerning this matter.  If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king.  But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up."  They didn't lash out.  They didn't back down.  They trusted the Lord and stood together.

No, I'm not equating a playground confrontation with real persecution.  But, my kids reminded me of the truth today.  We have to stand.  When somebody else needs us, we need to stand together.  I'm proud that my kids trusted what they've been taught.

It Did Not Fall

Before the Lord