It Did Not Fall

Truth is under assault again.  Our government officials are behaving like Orwell's pigs of Animal Farm, telling us that we don't really see what we think we see.  A group of terrorists have held the core belief for over a thousand years that anyone on Earth who does not bow to their god must die.  But, our president and his paid liars perpetually remind us that these terrorists are simply misunderstood victims who have legitimate grievances, and really just need jobs.  And, if we don't agree with their assessment, then it's probably because we're just too stupid to be able to understand it.  (You know, nuance and all that, right Ms. Harf?)  This is just the latest in a long line of graces that our betters have bestowed upon us, that we in our ignorance have mistaken for treachery. Please do not dismiss these events as political games and nothing more.  What we are seeing is a systematic undermining of the truth.  When people run from the Lord, they seek to undermine the truth in the hope that if they can somehow "outsmart" it, then they will not be held to account by truth's standard.  Truth is a fixed point, though.  Truth is true because it has been decreed by the mouth of the Almighty God.  Because there is truth, there is natural law.  (Yes, honest science and an honest application of the scientific method point to the Lord who dictated their structure into existence...and it's a beautiful thing.)  Because there is natural law, we cannot escape the truth.  Those who persist in running from the truth anyway, will live lives of heartbreak, instability and the sound of people asking themselves "Doesn't he ever get tired of being wrong?"

Stop running from the truth.  Collapse wholly, without any other hope on the chief corner stone.  Rest in the firsthand knowledge of how firm a foundation Jesus is.

"Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine, and acts upon them, may be compared to a wise man, who built his house upon the rock.  And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew and burst against that house; and yet it did not fall, for it had been founded upon the rock."-Matthew 7:24-25

Thank You, Lord!

The Good Guys

Standing Together