
As men, we have been designed by our Creator to do and to be certain things.  Yes, we're all different, but there are some responsibilities that each of us must give attention to.  Among these is the call to stand between our families and evil, whatever form it may take.  From among men there has always been a special breed, who have been drawn to take on that role on behalf of us all.  These men dedicate their lives to protecting us.  They often wear uniforms of one kind or another, and when others run and hide, they run the opposite direction to meet and stop the threat. There are countless stories that could be recounted here to demonstrate the unfailing courage and relentless love that these men and women demonstrate daily, and if you will indulge me, I'll share one of them.  (If you won't indulge me, I'm still going to share it.)

On May 3 of this year, two terrorist murderers drove from Phoenix, Arizona to Garland, TX to kill people with whom they took offense.  Thanks to Garland PD, at then end of the incident the only bodies carried out were those of the terrorists.

I write this to you today because right now, our law enforcement officers are facing persecution like our nation has never seen before.  We need to stand with them and even for them now.  If we're unwilling to do that much, then I question whether or not we are deserving of their sacrifices.  Take care of your local law enforcement.  Press your public officials and representatives to stop putting these people's lives at risk for the sake of political games.  Look at Baltimore right now and see what happens when these selfless men and women are prevented from doing their jobs.  They've never asked anything from us.  Shame on us if they ever have to.

Teach them to your Children
