In Season and Out of Season

This week, I saw a video that caused me to experience mixed emotions.  On the one hand, I came away from it in awe of the depth of the depravity of the mind that rebels against the Lord.  On the other hand, I came away from it with an even greater admiration for a man whom I already had tremendous respect for.  If you will indulge me, I'll give you my take on the happenings.  If you won't indulge me, I'm still going to give you my take, know... Several presidential hopefuls attended the Iowa State Fair this week, and Texas Senator Ted Cruz was among them.  In this particular video Sen. Cruz was engaging in an activity that is very near to my heart, as many of you know.  He was, in fact, working a grill.  While a bystander filmed, a woman called out to Sen. Cruz and asked him a question about his feelings concerning homosexuals losing their jobs because of their sexual orientations.  With a hamburger in one hand and a tremendous amount of patience, class and possibly even panache in the other, Sen. Cruz heard her out and answered her asinine and completely baseless question.  He didn't try to embarrass her by asking for one single example to support her claim.  Instead, he explained that nowhere in the western world are homosexuals persecuted on the basis of their homosexuality.  From there he proceeded to point out that Christians, however, are being persecuted by our government and being forced to violate their religious beliefs or face stiff legal penalties, an assertion that he supported with one of many real-world examples.  The young lady was adamant though, and persisted in making claims that the LGBXT9AC% community lives under oppression and fear in America, still without evidence mind you, until the video ended.

Regardless of the apparent reality that the common sense that the Lord even gave to animals just bounced off of this woman, I was still proud of Sen. Cruz and his willingness to reason with someone who approached him with the purpose of trying to trap him in some misspoken word or to provoke him to anger.  I was proud to see a man, whom I have never met, but have seen consistently fighting the right fights and displaying the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  I was proud to see him giving an answer to a hostile questioner, on the spot, WHILST GRILLING.  (There was even one guy in the background, at one point, wearing a t-shirt that said:  "get your grill on").  I do not put my hope in any man, myself included, but I will stand by a candidate who has shown me that his hope is in the Lord alone.

Weighed Down with Iniquity

There is No Other