1 Kings 18:30

Elijah served the Lord as a prophet during a time when Israel, led by their king, had actively rebelled against God and provoked Him (1 Kings16:33).  In those dark days, Elijah stepped forward and was sent by the Lord to be His voice to Israel, and to their wicked king.  All we really know about Elijah's origin is that he was a "Tishbite, who was of the settlers of Gilead" (1 Kings17:1).  Elijah relentlessly honored the Word of God, and as a result was loathed by King Ahab.  Elijah was the outstretched hand of the Lord, extending mercy to a people and their king who hated Him. In the same way, we are God's men in a world that hates Him and works hard to silence Him.  Like Elijah, we must tell the truth and love those who reject Him enough to reach out to them anyway, just like someone did for us.

To most, Elijah is best known for the sacrifice on Mount Carmel.  One of the most awesome moments in the account comes in 1 Kings 18:30.  The prophets of Baal had gone through their entire ritual supplication in a futile attempt to move their god to action, to answer them.  Once it had become apparent that no one was listening and the prophets of Baal had sufficiently humiliated and even injured themselves, Elijah called to the people, "Come near to me."  And then, in the end of verse 30, the man of God "repaired the altar of the Lord which had been torn down."

History remembers that day as one when the one God answered Elijah by fire and left no doubt in the hearts of Israel that He alone reigns supreme.  But, we need to also remember that one moment when the one man on that mountain who trusted the Lord rebuilt the ruined altar.  If the "altar" in your own heart has gone neglected or even been torn down, repent and rebuild it.  If the "altar" in your home or in your family line lies in ruins, humble yourself, kneel down and with your own hands and in the name of Jesus, which is above all names, take up those ancient stones which no tool has touched.  Build up the stones that were hewn by God alone and acknowledge Him.


The Wedding