The Wedding

Recently, my five year-old asked my wife, "Mommy, have you ever been in jail?"  Now, that has nothing to do with this post.  It's just one of those things that needs to be shared. Also recently, my wife, our kids and I all played parts in a family wedding.  In this wedding, my part was to provide the song as the bride appeared and walked down the aisle.  Now, I've never been asked to fill that particular role before, and I immediately felt the weight of the moment that I was supposed to capture in song.  Not being aware of any existing song that would do justice to the occasion, I prayed for the Lord to give me the song.  I'm a terrible songwriter, but with God's help and a little from Daddy too, a song was born.

The purpose of the song was to tell how the bride, as she appeared in holy radiance and pure white, representing the righteous acts of the saints (Revelation 19:8), represents the long-awaited gathering of all of us from all time who have trusted the one and only Jesus, and are presented to Him as His bride at last.  In many ways, for us this will be the beginning of the greatest time in our lives, and it will never end.  The church will have been faithful, and will have forsaken all others to be joined to Him who loved her and gave Himself for her.  She overcomes the world by the blood of the Lamb and the word of her testimony (Revelation 12:11).

1 Kings 18:30

In Response