The Accusations

As Christians, we often face a wide range of false accusations of nefarious behavior, beliefs and attitudes.  The Bible offers numerous examples of God's people facing false accusations, and a study of those examples will teach us that a response is sometimes necessary, but not always.  For our purposes here, and in keeping with 1 Peter 3:14-16, I want to address a few of the accusations that we commonly face. 1. In 1843 Karl Marx wrote in Deutsch-Franzosische Jahrbucher:  "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions.  It is the opium of the people."  In April of 2008, then presidential hopeful Barack Obama echoed that sentiment when he stated that out of bitterness some people "cling a way to explain their frustrations."  The essence of these accusations is that we cling to a delusion to make existence more palatable.

Our answer lies in Romans 1:18-32 and 2 Peter 3:1-6.  Those who believe that the incredibly intricate and complex design of the coding of our DNA occurred by accident, against every law of nature (which they claim to believe in), are deluded.  The results of their religion of humanism speak for themselves.  The beliefs of Marx and his disciples, like Obama, have resulted in innumerable souls being viewed as animals, and consequently treated as such.    Marxism has resulted in at least 150 million documented political murders between Hitler, Mao and Stalin alone.  The only law that a humanist believes in is to survive and reproduce.  The religion of humanism has given us dramatic increases in single-parenthood and  all of the societal ills that come along with it.  Natural law, which must have had an author, has held true.  Who's the clinger now?

2.  We frequently face the charge that we are deniers of science.

Among the many notable scientists who believe in Biblical creation (seven twenty-four hour days), is Sir Isaac Newton.  While I have my theological disagreements with him, the man recognized by most as the father of modern science believed God's testimony, because he found that it matched the evidence.  An honest application of the scientific method still points to the one God and His creation according to His Word.  The pseudo-theory of evolution, however tramples all over the scientific method, and those who will not even acknowledge any other possibility do so in defiance of the very definition of science.  Who's the denier now?

3.  Christians are "homophobes".  (This is one of my personal favorites.)

First of all, "phobia" denotes fear.  You got me.  I am afraid.  I'm afraid for people who degrade their bodies in flagrant defiance of the God who loves them, and warned them against self-destruction.  I'm afraid for people who are four times more likely to kill themselves than any other group in history.  I'm afraid for people who are running as fast as they can to receive in themselves the due penalty for their error.  Not my words.  God's Word.  And, we wouldn't care if we didn't love them.  Who's the homophobe  now?  (Okay, that may not work here.  But, for the sake of continuity we'll soldier on.)

4.  The next is like it, but wider-ranging.  We are accused of being intolerant.

I've said it before, and I'll always say it.  Tolerance will let you live.  It will also let you die.  Love will save your life.  Love compels me to reach into the filth and pull you out, just like someone else did for me.  You can keep your tolerance.  I'll take love.  It is also important to note that the loudest preachers of tolerance are some of the least tolerant individuals you will ever meet.

5.  We are often called judgmental.  This accusation often comes from other Christians, or those who want to call themselves Christians without allowing God anywhere near their lives, when they are confronted with their sin.

I am not the one who has judged.  The Lord has pronounced judgment upon sin.  Since all sin will be judged, in love, we warn others to repent and confess their sin to God, who is able to forgive and save.  We also need to have the humility to accept the rebuke of a brother or sister who loves us enough to tell us the truth.

6.  We are accused of being legalistic.  Now don't confuse this with judgmental mentioned above.  This one also often comes from those who go on the defensive when they are confronted with their own sin.

Legalism is the ritualistic adherence to law to the exclusion of faith.  However, some would take the grace of God as license to sin, and to do away with His commands.  Jesus said in Matthew 23 that the scribes and Pharisees took great care to keep some commands, but neglected more important matters.  He told them:  "These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others."  Legalism is a valid charge, but is often misused by the guilty to push back against conviction from the truth.

7.  We are accused of living by obsolete standards.

Isaiah 33:5-6 reminds us that "The Lord...will be the stability of your times, abundance of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge..."  In whatever times we have been given, we will always find the one God to be the only stability.  Look for yourself and see how much stability the philosophies of this world provide to those who follow them (Europe?...anyone?...).  Psalm 37:37 reads:  "Mark the blameless and behold the upright, for there is a future for the man of peace."

8.  We are accused of sexism.

If by sexist you mean acknowledging the nothing less than magnificent differences in men and women, the statistically undeniable consequences of denying those differences and confusing the two roles, and being hopelessly addicted to one woman in particular, then yes, I am sexist.  I would also like to point out that the behavior of the average modern feminist suggests that she believes that men and women are interchangeable.  She seeks to achieve this end by making herself more masculine, which is blatantly counter-intuitive, as such actions belittle femininity, which is the opposite of the stated goal of feminism.  (I'm confused too.)

The false accusations will continue to roll in.  We have to see past them into the heart that lashes out because truth requires error to move.  In love, hold out the gospel while there is still time.


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