Set a Watch

The blood-bought child of God builds his home in a hostile world.  He builds according to the Word of the Lord, on the foundation of Jesus, teaching and living the Bible diligently.  The one God is acknowledged and honored in his home without rival.  His trust in the Lord is evident in that he wholly rests his life and the lives of the ones he loves on God's Word.

There is an enemy.  There is one who would enter his home, by any means necessary, the subtler the better, and destroy all within.  The enemy exercises his influence over the world around this home, and in doing so applies pressure.  Threats are insinuated and, with increasing regularity, even explicitly spoken.  The child of God is made to feel isolated, hopeless and powerless.  But, such feelings roll off of this house like the rain on the roof, because the foundation is the Word of God.

The man whose heart is set on the Lord guards his home against the enemy.  His wife and children know where to find him, and they know where he stands.

"Nevertheless we made our prayer to our God, and because of them we set a watch against them day and night."-Nehemiah 4:9


The Accusations