Throwing the Ball

Every boy, and probably every man too, wants the approval of his father.  Fathers have the ability to shape the upbringing of their children like nobody else.  I don't underestimate a mother’s role in the least, but by God's design fathers carry the responsibility for the shaping of the family.  Throughout the Bible God holds fathers responsible for what goes on in a family.  So, again, the approval, love and acceptance of a father are a very serious matter.  And few things say acceptance more to a boy than throwing a ball with his father.

To all of the naysayers, scoffers and skeptics out there, just hear me out.  I have found this principle to be true in my own experience, but I have also heard other men say the same thing.  When boys and men of all ages throw a ball together a bond is being forged.  If you think about it, this concept is the entire basis for Field of Dreams.  For some it's football.  For my family it has always been baseball.  However, the ball itself doesn't matter.  What matters is who you throw it with.  I remember throwing with my Daddy when I was little, and it still feels the same now.  In a boy's mind throwing with his Daddy is on an equal plane as when he picks you up, looks you in the eye and says "my son" with a smile of perfect satisfaction.

Some days when I come home from work my oldest son wants me to throw a ball with him.  Gentlemen, when/if your boy ever wants to throw with you, make sure that you do it and do it right.  Let the experience humble you.  Thank God that you have the honor of throwing with your son.  Get out, put something on the grill, get out your ball of choice and get after it.


Under His Wings